It is a number 1 reason for becoming blind or impaired visually in the USA. Yet many people do nor understand the definition of the word and why it is so devastating to their eyes. Read on to discover the definition, the causes and treatment solutions offered for this eye disease.
What Is This Eye Disease?
Glaucoma an eye disease that can occur at any age. It is caused by doing harm to the optic nerve through enormous pressure, infection, some type of injury, inflammatory eye conditions or blocked blood vessels. Open angle and Angle Closure are the two main categories of this eye disease.
Why It is So Difficult To Detect?
A person with glaucoma may not always have symptoms. The disease is sometimes not discovered until the patient comes in for an eye exam, Regular eye check ups can help prevent this and catch glaucoma at an earlier stage.
What Kind of Glaucoma Testing Do I Need?
There are specific tests that need be done before making a diagnosis of glaucoma. Field and acuity vision tests deal with side to side vision and will look at how well a patient sees at different distances. Pachymetry determines cornea density. Tonometry determines pressure in the eye.
Can Glaucoma Be Treated?
While glaucoma has no known cure, it can be treated. This will depend upon the severity of the glaucoma. Treatment can be as simple as using eye drops regularly to minimize frontal fluid production. However, this can have effects of redness, stinging or blurry vision. Laser surgery helps with blockages and increasing fluids coming out of the eye. Microsurgery starts a new channel for your eyes to drain fluids while decreasing pressure in the eye. Patients over sixty, those diagnosed with diabetes, People of color over the age of forty, people with poor vision or with a history of glaucoma are most at risk for getting the disease.
Glaucoma Treatment
If you are in the Castle Rock, Colorado area and having issues with your eyes, please call us at 303-660-6005 to get registered. Glaglaucoma treatment Castle Rock is just one of the services we offer. Other services include: LASIK, Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT), Specialty Contact Lenses, Diabetic Eye Exams and Cataract Surgery. Call or visit us today! With a review rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars, The Meadows Family Eye Care prides itself on being the best at what we do. So call us today and get started with a better vision than you have ever had before.